Posts Tagged 'laser etching'

Custom Six Pack

As a side project last Fall I developed a custom six pack holder. It took some testing to figure out all the different tolerances but after some time I was able to make the finger joints of the box so

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Custom Six Pack

As a side project last Fall I developed a custom six pack holder. It took some testing to figure out all the different tolerances but after some time I was able to make the finger joints of the box so

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MacBook Pro

As part of my job as the laser cutter technician for the University of Minnesota’s Department of Art I was recently asked to etch a crop of new MacBooks for the department. I was asked to place some sort of

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MacBook Pro

As part of my job as the laser cutter technician for the University of Minnesota’s Department of Art I was recently asked to etch a crop of new MacBooks for the department. I was asked to place some sort of

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